Sunday, December 16, 2007
We went out to the yard the four of us,my grandchildren and I,and we only have two swings and a slide...Aboudy pushed Hala and held to the smaller swing and of course Azouz ran to the big one leaving poor Hala out.So I told her to slide until her turn came.......
Monday, December 3, 2007
Aboudy talking back
The reason I stopped writing in this blog is there are no more first words from the three and I am waiting for the new baby Bulbul,who is now mahsallah 4 months to start talking and then i would start writing but Aboudy decided to make me write again!!
He is using all of his first sentences against us...meaning he is always telling us off!!
Aboudy is a funny character...
you know he is a wise guy .....
Don't say=atiguli
Don't do=atisawi
Don't,don't ...he is being told off so much that he thinks that is the right way to speak..
Some nights ago he went right to his dad and said to him...inta galeel adab(literally it means you are bad mannered)!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
New baby
This new baby caused a landslide overhere,as usual the little ones trying to act like older people suddenly started acting babyish,since this baby came in to steal the spotlights from them!!Lady Hala decided that if her cousins wanted to play or talk to her baby brother ,they had to take her highness's permission!!
عندما وصل هذا الصغير تراجع الأطفال عن التطور إلى الأمام وأصبحوا هم الذين يقلدونه نظرا للثناء الذي كانوا يسمعونه منا على الصغير!! وبدلا من سماع كلمات جديدة أصبحنا نسمع ونرى تقليد للنونو وبمنافسة أيضا أخته النائمة إلى جانبه عندما يأتون لزيارتنا إذا أرادو أبناء خالها اللعب مع أخيها تطلب منهم أن يستأذنوها هي أولا
In Eid the children were so happy to watch this train gift from their uncleand baby was in my lap and staretd kicking enthusiastically wanting to go down to the ground to enjoy the new toy with them...and down I set him right in the middle of the commotion ,and boy was he happy!!
في العيد أحضر لهم عمهم/خالهم هدية قطار وفيما كان الأطفال يستمتعون بمشاهدة حركات هذا القطار العجيب ظل النونو بلال يرفس ويتحرك معلنا رغبته الجامحة في الاشتراك مع الأطفال الآخرين لمشاهدة اللعبة الجدبدة وفعلا أجيب طلبه وأنزل إلى مستواهم ليستمتع معهم
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Abdullah is the name,now this is a unique taurus,I mean he really is so taurus-like,very adamant to do what is in his mind,he can't be bullied around this boy,I tell you!!
Cutie pie at the same time,he is child number three in my granny-household and he is boy number two so the poor thing was left aside and nobody was really impressed with him for a while except my younger daughter who bonded with him right away and kept showing us the good traits this baby had.
-This fella's first words was the word UT! and it means uss,we use the word when we say shut up,so this little fella was actually telling ua all to shut up!!Not only that but the little rascal will come up to me and hit me if I didn't understand his "UT"!!
-His next word was bye-beta actually when they were going home is saying good-bye I am going home(beta=bayt=house)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Now Hala is another story,each of my grandchildren has her/his own beautiful unique vocabulary,she kept saying "aban" and we puzzled over this word for so many months,until one day I caught her trying to open my glass cabinet so I said:" never never do this it will break!! "
When i said never....I realised that was the word she has been saying all these months she was trying to say "never" in arabic its "abadan".
Her other word was "namuna",now that was in referral to her bottle and her mom's milk,and one day she excitedly told her dad that when she grows up she will have her own "namuna".
When she grew older,she started to use the pencil and she would ask her mom if she could "aglum"?????
We say aktub meaning I that doesn't make sense since aglum means to write??right??
until now she is (2 years and 8 months)she is always asking if she could "aglum",all our trials to make her understand OUR logic that "aktub" means to write have gone in vain.
هالة لها كلماتها المميزو أيضا منذ صغرها وهي تقول لوالدتها "أبن" ولم نكن نعرف معنى الكلمة وتكررها ونحن لانجد لهامرادف في اللغة العربية وذات يوم حاولت أن تعبث بدولاب الفناجين وأدوات الشاي فقلت لها لاتلعبي هنا أبدا لأن كل شيء هنا زجاج وقد ينكسر....في تلك اللحظة أدركت أنها هي الكلمة التي ترمز بها بـ "أبن".......ومرة أخرى كانت تقول لناأنها تريد أن تقلم وأصرت وقالت جدة أبغى أقلم ولم يكن بوسعي فهمها إلى أن حضرت والدتها وترجمة لي فالبنت تريد أن ترسم أو تكتب ولكن بالقلم بمن البديهي أنها تريد أن تقلم بالقلم ولاتريد أن "تكتب"لأن هذا الشيء لايتمشى مع المنطق فهي عندما تريد أن تقرأ....تكتب لأنه في الكتاب وحين تكتب فيه تقلم بالقلم؟؟؟
Monday, May 21, 2007
I'm a big boy now
This is Azouz in his first thoub ,that was the smallest size I could find,but doesn't he just look smart!?
At this age he started using the word "NO" so much that it became irritating to his parents,and it seems just the natural thing to say...I mean come on look he is a MAN and you come in and start bossing him around telling him what to do and what not to do...LOL
هذا عزوز وهو يرتدي أول ثوب ولم أجد مقاس أصغر من ذلك في هذه المرحلة بدء يستعمل الكلمة الشهيرة لا وكان يقولها بكل ثقة...طبع من حقه ألم يصل إلى مرحلة الرجولة؟؟وتريدون الآن أن تملوا عليه أوامركم
Now there is a reason for starting to feel a need to say ((no)),I'm the older now,and I will be in charge of somebody else so what less than having the right to say :NO!!
Azouz take care of your brother ,Azouz stay next to him,if he cries call me,give him your toys he is younger....etc
أصبح كبير فعلا لأنه مسؤول...نعم أصبح مسؤولا عن أخيه الأصغر...عزوز أنتبه لأخوك....عزوز ناديني إذا بكى....عزوز أعطه ألعابك فهو اصغر منك
Sunday, May 20, 2007
My oldest grandson is Azouz, short for Abdul-Aziz,now he has a bunch of real cute words,so you will actually be learning some arabic as I translate all this babytalk to you:
gamana=galam=pencil or pen
kali kali=burtuqaly=orange,I could never really figure out why he always said it twice,and the funny thing is all the younger ones adopted this word and its being used until now!!
عزوز (عبد العزيز)هو أكبر أحفادي ولديه
مجموعته الفريدة من التعابير المميزة
كالي كالي=برتقالي
قيمبوني= قيم بوي
بارو= ماريو
First words
Like all children my grandchildren have developed their own unique set of words,each according to their own judgement.So I have decided to register these timeless ,special ways in expressing to us what they meant.
مثل جميع الأطفال لدى أحفادي مجموعة من الكلمات الخاصة لتي عبروا بها عن أنفسهم في محاولاتهم الأولى في التعبير بالكلام وأحببت أن أسجلها في المدونة حتى يجدوها عندما يكبروا إذ أننا في أيام تربيتنا لأبنائنا لم يكم لدينا الوقت الكافي لتسجيل كل تعبير وكلمة جديدة وإن كنا نذكرهم بأغربها من حين لآخر
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